K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Drawings x.c.

Extra! Extra! Credit!

I am always happy when students want to do
more work than I assign.  There are many ways
to do this.  When extra points are awarded, they
will be added to the drawings portion of their
grade.  Click on the links below to investigate
the ways to get extra credit.


Free Drawing Master Studies
Artist Reports Web Quests


Free Drawings

Free Drawings are the easiest way to gain extra
credit.  Simply draw whatever you choose.  I will
award up to 5 points of extra credit depending on
the quality of the drawing and the effort
exerted to create it.  DO NOT turn in 20 scribbles
trying to get 1 point each.  It doesn't work like that.


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Master Studies

The most basic part of art instruction is having the
student copy what has been made by accomplished
artists.  By copying, the student finds out how the
master has successfully rendered a subject.  These
lessons will be stored in the students memory for
use later when they will be asked to attack a similar
problem in their own career.  I have chosen many
old master drawings for the students to choose
from.  Each master study will be worth up to 10
points each, depending on the quality of the drawing.
Remember, NO TRACING!  If I suspect tracing, no
credit will be given.  I would rather see an imperfect
but competent drawing than an exact tracing.  Click
on the thumbnail below to view the master drawing,
then print it out and re-draw it on your own paper.
Andrea del Sarto Anthony Van Dyck Honore Daumier Domenico Ghirlandaio
Domenico Ghirlandaio Hendrick Avercamp Ingres Jacob Jordaens
Henri de Toulouse-Laurtec Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci Adolf von Menzel
Ostade Pierre Puget Pieter Brueghel the Elder Pisanello
Robert van der Weyden Peter Paul Rubens Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh Michelangelo Albrecht Durer Honore Daumier
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